Denmark as front runner for Responsible Supply Chain Management

The Danish Government’s Council for CSR published guidelines for responsible supply chain management in June 2010. GLOBAL CSR appreciates that the guidelines are a step in the right direction – however, there is still a long way to go.

The Danish Government’s Council for CSR published guidelines for responsible supply chain management in June 2010. GLOBAL CSR appreciates the guidelines as a step in the right direction – however, there is still a long way to go.

Responsible supply chain management is a complicated and expensive field within CSR. The largest and most experienced global corporations still discuss how to ensure that supply chains are not a barrier for social, environmental and economic sustainable development. The Council’s guidelines for responsible supply chain management wish to create a common understanding of working with the area and specify elements that are especially important for corporations to take into consideration.

The guidelines are another initiative under the Danish government’s Action Plan for CSR, released in May 2008.  With the guidelines it is once again emphasised that CSR is also of matter to states. “Denmark is regarded one of the leading countries in this area. That is the message we are receiving from our international clients and stakeholders”, says Sune Skadegaard Thorsen, CEO of Global CSR.
The Minister for Economic and Business Affairs Brian Mikkelsen agrees, stating: “The guidelines are yet another example of the fact that Denmark is a front runner for CSR. I would like to thank the Danish Council for CSR for the guidelines, which I believe will be a great help to both large and small companies all over the world.”
The guidelines address several important challenges in relation to supply chain management, but there is still a pressing need to develop sustainable solutions regarding supply chain management in general. The chairman of the Council for CSR, Mads Øvlisen, emphasises this point in the foreword of the guidelines underlining the need for further development of sustainable solutions, including “support for pilot projects concerning new approaches to responsible supply chain management with a focus on cooperation between private companies, local and regional authorities”.

GLOBAL CSR has spent two years developing an approach to responsible supply chain management, which focuses on the core challenge; the responsibility of the state. This is how we can ensure sustainable solutions. At the same time, our approach will lower costs for corporations. Therefore, we are very pleased that The Danish Government Centre for CSR regards such pilot-projects as a necessity. In this way, we can, in practice, demonstrate world class CSR”, says Sune Skadegaard Thorsen. GLOBAL CSR plans to launch the new approach during Autumn 2010.

We now offer workshops on Responsible Supply Chain Management and the UNGPs. Please see the “What We Do” page for more information.

The Danish Government’s Council for CSR’s guidelines for responsible supply chain management (in Danish only).


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