Choosing sustainable solutions that are pragmatic, practical, and most importantly effective can decide the future of your company.
Sune Skadegaard Thorsen, CEO

Innovative and cost-effective solutions for responsible business conduct.
Fully benefit from your investments in CSR.
We leverage best practices in meeting the authoritative international minimum standard for responsible business conduct – the UNGPs.
Practical and hands-on workshops on responsible business conduct.
Gain a deeper understanding of responsible business conduct as a CSR professional.
Get the right knowledge and tools to apply the UNGPs in your business. Align your due diligence processes and your responsibility in business relationships with the international minimum standard.
GLOBAL CSR hosts three LABs biannually.
SEE impacts
All-in-one sustainability due diligence tool
Developed to fully align your ESG/CSR/Sustainability compliance with the authoritative international minimum standard for responsible business conduct (UNPGs/OECD) – SEE impacts is one unified platform covering social, environmental, and economic sustainability.