10 reasons to respect human rights and implement the UNGPs

Why your company should align practices with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)?

Empower employees.

There is no better way to retain employees than to include them in the improvement of their own human rights.

Fulfill global expectations.

By implementing the UNGPs you are complying with the globally endorsed standard on business and human rights.

Know and Show.

Identifying your negative impacts on human rights will help you avoid unpleasant surprises and enable you to know and show that your company respects human rights as a business.

Risk management.

Conducting human rights due diligence gives you the knowledge to foresee risks and either end, mitigate or prevent them from materializing.

Answers at hand. 

Your company will have legitimate answers at hand by referring to your implementation of the UNGPs. This will help safeguard your company from criticism in the public eye.

Prevent near misses. 

By identifying your impacts on all 48 human rights you become aware of impacts that you may previously have overlooked and can prevent them from escalating.

Create coherence.   

By using the UNGPs as the framework for social sustainability, all your different policies and practices can be structured under one overarching set of principles.

Ensure dignity.

Employees, customers and business clients increasingly demand high standards on social responsibility. The UNGPs give you a concrete solution to meet these expectations and genuinely improve the lives of your stakeholders.

Leading by example.

Respecting human rights is a responsibility for all companies including your suppliers. They are equally entitled and able to use the management system for ensuring the respect for human rights of their stakeholders defined in the UNGPs. Lead by example, and become partners of increased importance in your business relationships.

Ride the wave.

The UNGPs have been incorporated into many regional instruments, not least by the EU and the OECD. Many countries including Denmark, The U.S. and Great Britain have developed National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights. Don’t be  left behind.


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