We assist you with respecting global principles for social, environmental, and economic sustainability. We call it the “Principles-Based Approach to CSR”. With more than 25 years of pioneering experience in the field, we leverage best practices in CSR consultancy. We advise both local and international leading businesses.

Innovative and cost-effective consultancy solutions ensure that you fully benefit from your investments in CSR.

We have experience with the full cycle of responsible consultancy:


In addition, we have vast consultancy experience in evaluating both corporate and public programmes.

We understand business realities in all sectors and sizes. Allowing us to fully meet your needs and wishes.



To match your exact needs

Ad hoc consultancy offers you the right amount of involvement at a speed that suits your needs, depending on your size, model and time.

We know every step of aligning CSR conduct with the global minimum standard. With ad hoc assistance, your needs and level of ambition for CSR implementation comes first. We offer consultancy on anything from your policy commitment, impact assessments, designing your company’s grievance mechanisms or developing your annual report.

Do you wish to align your processes with global principles for responsible business conduct?

Our project consultancy can assist you with, for example:

  • Conducting human rights impact assessments
  • Updating your responsibility in business relationships
  • Guiding responsibility in investments

We have the experience and tools to develop and support your work. with project focused consultancy we develop your inhouse capacity. We are  flexible when scoping your involvement.

Create responsible investments.
Fully align with PRI, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

With our consultancy, you can get assistance throughout your responsible investments. All the way from developing screening mechanisms, through building internal capacity to building portfolio responsibility.

We assist investors with developing best practice responsible investments. In our consultancy, we use a holistic scope to manage all relevant principles of environmental, social and governance (ESG) responsibility. Ensure effective and meaningful screenings in acquisition processes, know and show good practice on responsible investments, and ensure responsibility all the way from acquisition to developing your portfolio’s responsible business conduct.

Ripe the benefits from investment returns, while participating in a sustainable future. Contact us today to learn about consultancy opportunities and meet your global expectations.

UNGPs Status Assessment

UNGPs: Where is your company at?

The Status Assessment gives you insights into your CSR governance alignment with the global minimum standard.

With a UNGPs Status Assessment, experts at GLOBAL CSR evaluate your current CSR status against The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

The assessment helps you understand potential gaps that a company might have in light of the required management system for responsible business conduct. Our consultancy contains specific recommendations for improvements.


For more information:

UNGPs Status Assessment flyer

UNGPs Professionals Network

Meet like-minded CSR professionals

Are you working with the UNGPs in your business, and could you benefit from discussions and advice from people also in the process of implementation or management of the UNGPs?

We provide a platform for professionals who have already started to implement the minimum requirements of the UNGPs. Quarterly meetings helps facilitate and improve your implementation efforts. Throughout the year, you can keep in contact with the other participants to openly discuss your successes and challenges.

At the meetings, you also receive consultancy from our expert facilitators.


For more information:

UNGPs Professionals Network Flyer



The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights endorsed in June 2011, gave the world’s businesses an authoritative, globally recognized reference point for respecting human rights, including the core labour rights.

The UNGPs describe the expectations of any business in the world to respect human rights. These are also the rights referenced in the first 6 principles of the UN Global Compact. Basic human rights principles are essential for the dignity, well-being and development of all people. Also essential elements for conducting and expanding business.

The UNGPs define what ‘Respecting human rights’ means for a business: in short, you should have in place a management system as outlined by the global minimum standard. The UNGPs enable businesses to know your potential and actual adverse impacts and to show what you are doing to address them.

All companies regardless of where they operate will have both potential and actual adverse human rights impacts. Additionally, all companies have experiences managing such impacts. think for example of your efforts to create safe and healthy working conditions, or ensuring the right to privacy of your clients or employees. Similarly, you are now expected to identify potential and actual impacts on all human rights. When you know your risks and actual impacts, you can show what we do to manage them. Respecting human rights is both good for your employees, your business relationships and your business.


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