GLOBAL CSR advises international business leaders on the integration of human rights in business practices

CEO and Senior Partner at GLOBAL CSR, Sune Skadegaard Thorsen, is currently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia serving as expert adviser to The Global Business Initiative on Human Rights

After the endorsement of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in June 2011, GLOBAL CSR has been engaged in a number of initiatives to help companies implement human rights in business contexts around the world.

GLOBAL CSR and GBI in Malaysia
GLOBAL CSR has a long record as expert advisor for The Global Business Initiative on Human Rights (GBI), which is a business-led initiative aimed at building a global community of business leaders to share good practices on how to work with human rights.

Currently, CEO and Senior Partner at GLOBAL CSR, Sune Skadegaard Thorsen, participates in a GBI gathering in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The agenda of the gathering is to discuss and explore ways forward for the incorporation of human rights into business practices.

Moderating roundtable discussions for ASEAN business leaders
The seminar includes a Roundtable for ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) business leaders, where GLOBAL CSR has been asked to participate as expert advisor.

At the seminar Sune Skadegaard Thorsen will moderate a thematic discussion that gives business leaders a chance to discuss business challenges in relation to human rights and share good practices focusing primarily on human rights in relation to health, water and energy. Also, he will facilitate a session devoted to presenting and discussing real-world examples from companies who have put an effort into incorporating respect for human rights into corporate policies and processes.

Learn more about GLOBAL CSR’s advice 
GLOBAL CSR has extensive knowledge on and experience with making human rights operational for companies. Click here for more information on some of the services that GLOBAL CSR offers in relation to CSR and human rights.

Learn more about the consequences of the UN Guiding Principles from an article published in by Sune Skadegaard Thorsen (in Danish).


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