New UN Global Compact guide provides practical information on how companies communicate on human rights

How a corporation respects human rights – including labor rights – has been authoritatively defined by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). All initiatives addressing human and labor rights now have to secure that their work is in accordance with the new definition. The UN Global Compact has taken the first step by ensuring that all member-companies now report in accordance with the global minimum requirements. GLOBAL CSR helps companies implement the UNGPs every day, and already this year we have trained more than 300 people – face-to-face – in how the UNGPs should be understood; including major challenges and how companies ought to report. We are delighted that the UN Global Compact also emphasises the importance of the UNGPs to its members and provides better guidance on, how to report on your impact on human rights.

Read the UN Global Compact’s Communication on Progress guide on human rights at their webpage.


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