GLOBAL CSR as external advisor to AIM Progress

Senior Partner at GLOBAL CSR, Sune Skadegaard Thorsen, has recently been appointed external advisor on Responsible Supply Chain Management to the European Brands Association, AIM.

AIM Progress, a task force under the Association, has established an Advisory Board, to which Sune Skadegaard Thorsen is now an external advisor due to his great expertise on CSR and RSCM. He will, together with other experts on the Advisory Board, give advice and share expertise with the Association to help them in achieving the goal of promoting responsible sourcing practices and sustainable systems of production.

Owed to many years of international experience working with CSR in general, and responsible supply chain management more specifically, GLOBAL CSR is happy to be recognized as an important actor within the field by AIM. GLOBAL CSR has recently, in collaboration with Copenhagen Business School (CBS), conducted a study on possible limitation of current approaches to RSCM for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In the report “Changing Course – A Study into Responsible Supply Chain Management” a new approach to RSCM is introduced as a supplement to already existing approaches; namely Responsible Supply Chain Management 3.0 (RSCM 3.0). The collaboration between AIM Progress and GLOBAL CSR on promoting new and improved approaches to RSCM thus seems highly relevant.

The future of Responsible Supply Chain Management
Sune Skadegaard Thorsen is excited to join the Advisory Board as the aim of implementing innovative approaches to RSCM is aligned with the work that GLOBAL CSR already performs on the topic:

“It will be interesting for GLOBAL CSR to contribute to how some of the world’s largest brands in the best possible way can work with responsible supply chain management. It is an area in which we have many years of experience, and as our latest report for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stresses, there is a need for innovative ways of thinking responsible supply chain management, which is a challenge for many corporations. The members of AIM Progress are facing exactly these challenges in their daily work and thus hope to be inspired for change through this Advisory Board.”

The first meeting will be taking place in London on 9-10 March, 2011. The purpose of this first meeting of the Board is to discuss, and learn from, the current approaches to RSCM and determine the future guidelines and tasks of AIM Progress.

Learn more about Responsible Supply Chain Management 
GLOBAL CSR are experts within the fields of CSR and responsible supply chain management, we offer advice, training and workshops on the topic. For more information about RSCM and our services in general please contact us on +45 44995506 or

About AIM Progress
AIM, the European Brands Association, is an international forum whose purpose is to create a fair, vigorous, and competitive environment for brands while at the same time providing a guarantee for the best possible conditions for consumers. AIM represents the branded goods industries in Europe on key issues which affect the ability of brand manufacturers to design, distribute and market their brands. AIM groups 1800 member companies of all sizes through corporate members and national associations in 22 countries. 

Working with RSCM, AIM Progress recommends the use of common standards and knowledge sharing on the corporations’ different approaches to, and systems of, responsible supply chain management. Through more effective standards, it is also expected that corporations can communicate more clearly to their suppliers and consumers on their work in the supply chain.
Learn more about AIM


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